Our longstanding public speaking competition for youth who are learning French in school is a great way to honour their many hours of hard work and to celebrate official language bilingualism in Canada! The contest is open to students in every province and territory and in a wide range of age/grade categories and French abilities. Thousands of students participate every year in communities big and small, for the opportunity to win prizes or scholarships to postsecondary institutions.

Spring 2021 … Videos are the next best thing!

Students, parents, teachers and schools asked us to consider an alternative method of delivering the traditional Concours d’art oratoire speeches this year – and offer an opportunity for students to earn scholarships once again!

CPF Branches and National, working collaboratively, are hosting an adapted Concours d’art oratoire where students will record and submit their speech presentations. These videos will be judged in a semi-final competition within their own province / territory.

For Grade 11 & 12 students, those who place 1st, 2nd and 3rd in each of the categories will be recommended to move on to the virtual National Final. Students advancing to the virtual National Final competition may submit the same video or they may re-record their speech for submission.

Reference Documents
Concours d’art oratoire 2021 – Overview & Details
Concours d’art oratoire 2021 – Speech Categories
Concours d’art oratoire Judging Rubric

Submission Deadline for Provincial Competition: April 15, 2021

Questions about criteria or eligibility? Contact Robin Holm at concours@cpf.bc.ca!

Find the submission form here.