About EducationPlannerBC 

EducationPlannerBC supports a seamless journey into post-secondary education. 

Our website is home to the provincial post-secondary application service and valuable resources. Discover helpful information such as program and career planning, admission requirements, and financial aid options. Explore My List, Top Tips, FAQs, and the Glossary. Search thousands of programs, save and compare, and easily apply to any of B.C.’s 25 public post-secondary institutions. 

EducationPlannerBC improves access to post-secondary education in B.C. by engaging and informing students and their supporters throughout their planning, searching, and applying stages, with no associated cost. 

Learn more at: EducationPlannerBC.ca


Find French Programs in B.C. 

Visit our French Students page to discover the range of French language and French teacher education programs offered in B.C.’s public post-secondary institutions. Whether the goal is to pursue a degree in French, become a French teacher, or simply maintain or improve French language skills while pursuing a different area of study, there’s something for everyone! Explore bursaries and awards, job boards, and helpful resources for anyone pursuing French in their post-secondary education and career.   

Learn more at: EducationPlannerBC.ca/french