Canadian Parents for French volunteers made Lynne Côté-Aubin feel at home in Fort St. John when she arrived in the Northern BC community to teach in 1990 from Sturgeon Falls, Ontario. She put her roots in Fort St. John and eventually became principal at Ecole Central Elementary School. Lynne tells us how, in addition to the type of school district support she received, efforts like the teacher retention project can make a major difference for new arrivals.

Tell us about your first impressions of moving to Fort St. John?
I was scared because I was fresh out of university and brand new to teaching.  I loved Fort St. John from the moment I arrived because the school and the city were very welcoming.

How did the welcome you received affect your experience as a new teacher?
It made a huge difference!  I felt included from the start by the staff as well as the parent community.  All new teachers were adopted by a CPF host family.  We were included in outings, dinners, celebrations, etc.  These events ensured we felt like we belonged and gave us a sense of community.

When did you realize that you were never going to leave?
That is a funny story!  My adoptive family invited me to Thanksgiving dinner where I met my husband.  He was my adoptive father’s brother.  After meeting my husband, Bert, I knew I was never going to leave.  The outdoors (fishing, hunting, gardening, nature, mountains) also played an important part in my decision.  I fell in love with my soul mate and the province.

What has been the best part about settling in a small town in BC?
I love the fact that I can get from point A to point B in the town in a relatively short amount of time, everyone is friendly and I feel I have a huge network of support.  Our school district staff are approachable and very supportive, also an advantage to a smaller school district.  There are many opportunities for advancement.

Do you have any advice for new teachers who are starting their careers?
Be patient!  You will not know everything from the start.  Don’t be afraid to ask for help and be open to collaboration. Lastly, involve yourself in the community!