Since 1992, CPF BC & Yukon has been proud to offer a financial award to one or two university students completing their post-secondary education studies and planning to teach French (immersion, intensive, core or Francophone) in BC or Yukon.

Candidates must meet the following criteria:

– Have been in a French Professional Development Program at a recognized university within the last year, OR
– be in their professional year in a Bachelor of Education degree at a recognized university or university college;
– Have completed at least one practicum in a French education setting within the last six months;
– AND have at least one letter of reference verifying an acceptable standard of French;
– Be a current member of Canadian Parents for French.

To receive the award the selected candidate must accept a French (immersion, core, intensive or Francophone) teaching position at a public school in B.C. or Yukon.

Nomination periods close annually on May 31st. 

2023 Teacher Award

Congratulations to Abbotsford teacher, Madison Hendry on being recognized with our Teacher Award 2023!